Consultancy and Research

Our consultancy and research efforts complement our service delivery and training, helping raise awareness of the complex issues we tackle and the challenges faced by those we support.

With a rich legacy of working with individuals and communities, we offer invaluable insights, contacts, and a comprehensive overview of local provisions. By collaborating, we can save time, energy, and resources, and together, develop lasting solutions.

Our flexible approach allows us to work innovatively on various projects, pilot schemes, and research. Our unique position, bridging both statutory and voluntary sectors, coupled with our firsthand experience with victims and offenders, enables us to foster productive relationships and grasp the bigger picture.

Our tailored consultancy services cover a wide range of topics, including restorative practice, early interventions, domestic abuse support, community safety initiatives, and more.

Let’s speak a common language across sectors. If you have a project we can support or need assistance, please contact us at or call Tel: 01844 202 001.