Thank You !

The work we do is made possible through the generosity of our  incredible supporters and  funders.  We are indebted to these organisations and individuals who lend their support to Hope After Harm in a variety of ways.

We therefore wish to shout out a very big and sincere THANK YOU to our funders and supporters in kind:

Here are some below examples of how your funding and support can help us:

The National Lottery Community Fund distributes over £600m a year to communities across the UK.  Their funding makes our  Family Matters  support service possible.  Learn more about the Community Fund.

Funded by the Vodafone Group Foundation, and in collaboration with Aspirant, the Bright Sky app is available to those needing support and information in relation to domestic abuse.

The Rothschild Foundation support Hope After Harm’s Offender Mentoring services.  More information on them via the link.

The Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner funds the Thames Valley Sexual Violence Service.  Find out more about their work.