Restorative Justice

Restorative Justice is a system of criminal justice which focuses on the rehabilitation of offenders through reconciliation with victims and the community.

Restorative Justice creates an opportunity for those harmed by crime or conflict and those responsible to communicate. It provides a mediated way to make connections and build solidarity to improve the lives of those impacted by crime and those who have offended.

How does Restorative Justice work?
Restorative Justice services are designed to prioritise the needs of the victim. It can take the form of safe, facilitator-led meetings or communication can be made via letters or videos.

Restorative Justice only takes place when the offender has admitted to the crime, and both parties must be willing to participate in a respectful manner.

What are the benefits of Restorative Justice?

  • It can help those affected by crime to explore why the crime happened.
  • It can help victims move forward and feel less fearful of crime in the future.
  • For offenders, it can help provide the opportunity for them to accept responsibility and recognise the impact that their offending behaviour has had on others.
  • It has shown promising results in reducing reoffending rates

Why do offenders take part?
Restorative Justice can be helpful for offenders because it enables them to understand the impact that their actions during the incident have had on the victim. It gives offenders the opportunity to listen and answer any questions the victim has and to consider the consequences of their behaviour.

How do I get involved with Restorative Justice?
Thames Valley Restorative Justice Service (TVRJS) is at the leading edge of Restorative Justice. Our team are highly trained, experienced practitioners working with victims and offenders in prisons and in the community.

If you would like to learn more about this service please  email Hope After Harm on